Friday, July 07, 2006


Really true happiness is not measured by what I possess but it is determined by who I am. I may be the richest person in the world with money, jewels, gold, what have you but if I'm an underhanded person or a person who cares nothing about his neighbor, then my worth and happiness is zilch.

To be truly happy one must care about other people more than themselves. They must have a helping spirit, that when seeing a brother in need, they don't hesitate to help. One has to have a close relationship with God, other people and like themselves in order to be really happy. Happiness comes from not only having what you need but having enough to share with those around you.

I believe we all should start each day by asking God to show you how we can be a helping hand to anyone that needs help. It makes you feel really good to know that you've helped someone out in some way. Look around and somewhere you'll find someone that needs maybe, just a cheerful word or a smile. Just something as small as a smile and a wave can warm the heart of a shut-in. A cup of water to the city worker that works all day in the hot sun trying to fix your stopped up sewer pipes . Little things always bring great rewards. Don't think that just because it's something small that it won't be appreciated.

Go visit a shut-in or a nursing home. There are always people there that welcome just about anyone anytime. Tell a fairy tale to a child who is being raised by a single parent, who works all day and needs some rest. Help a single parent by volunteering to watch their kids for a while. Buy groceries for someone you know who needs them. Cards, letters and phone calls can cheer up just about anyone. Lend an ear to someone who has a problem and needs someone to talk to.

These things don't take a lot of time to do but it does take getting up off your haunches and doing something for someone. Get your mind off yourself for a while. We were not born into this world just to do for ourselves. We were put here to praise and glorify God and serve Him in all we do, that's our first and foremost assignment as a human being. The second is helping out other people, after that is when we turn our attention onto ourselves. Living our lives this way may seem hard to realize but believe me, rewards with come and you be in good standing with God Almighty. Not only that but you'll feel so much better when you live this. Keep your priorities in order which are..............GOD........neighbor..........self.

True Happiness is Determined by Who You Are...............Not by What You Possess.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Sandy...CHEERS!! A great post!
I agree with the lesson...and I love the way you say it...even a few special of your "chosen words" that definitely had me grinning and then smiling from ear to ear...
I know you well enough to know that you want to be a blessing to everyone! And I always get that strong feeling that you are...being a blessing, that is, to probably more than both of us realize!
BLESS YA...and just continue to be a blessing! Keep on sharin yer, Oh, I surely love the beautiful mountain scene with all them flowers---another reason...many will have no excuse for not believing that God is with us---right now, here on de earth and "knows if we're good or bad" (grin) but serious!
~j ^er

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sister does, indeed, have a way with words. She always has had the talent of writing. I can vaguely remember a story she wrote in the early 60's about a girl with pink pearls and a veranda. She is truly blessed and rich with love from others. On the comment:
"Keep your priorities in order which are ...GOD...neighbor...self" My feelings are similar but just a little diffent:
God, body of Christ(church), family, friends and lastly self.
I am proud to have a sister so talented and so rich in her blessings. "When I grow up" I would like to have that kind of wealth and blessings. I just would like for people to remember me as a good and kind person. If we can erase our past (God says He does that for us) then, perhaps, I may be remembered this way.

7:08 PM  

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